How can a law firm find non-profit boards for attorneys to join? We
want to encourage attorneys across the nation to join non-profit
boards in their area.
Answer: We
received several responses to yesterday's question about finding and
matching non-profit boards to attorneys. Contributors include
Patricia Wolff (Business
Maven, LLC), Reed Stockman (Association
of Fundraising Professionals) and Holly Bryan (NC
Academy of Trial Lawyers).
Patricia Wolff: Go to
GuideStar, a
database of non-profit organizations, and search by city or state.
Anonymous: It is my experience that virtually
every community in this country--whether large or small--has a
United Way or a Community Chest. In my home town, the United Way
provides a service called community volunteer. It links people and
their unique talent with not-for-profit organizations. I suspect any
community fund organization such as United Way would be willing to
share names of attorneys, who want to serve on boards, with the
leadership of the not-for-profits in the community.
Reed Stockman: The Web site of the
Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) refers visitors to
without endorsing or attesting to the accuracy of information at the
site. The description on the home page reads: "boardnetUSA is the
unique website revolutionizing the way nonprofit boards and new
leaders find each other."
Holly Bryan: I serve on a nonprofit board,
and receive an e-newsletter, called Board Cafe, from CompassPoint
Nonprofit Services. They have a "board matching" area on their Web
site (boardnetUSA),
where you can find just this kind of information. You can post what
you're looking for, or view available board positions. (See <>)
Some of it is specific to California, but I think some of it is
nationwide as well.
Also, many states have centers or groups that would
have this kind of information--for example,
Maine has
The Board
Network; North Carolina has the
NC Center for