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Pictures from South Africa


Genie Tyburski, Web Manager, The Virtual Chase


29 June 2005. I had the honor of presenting a workshop and keynote address during the Eighth Southern African Online Information Meeting. Held at the CSIR Conference Centre, Meiring Naudé Road in Pretoria, the meeting took place from 21 - 23 June 2005. I stayed at the lovely Casa Toscana in the suburbs of Pretoria near the conference center.

While I am not a skilled photographer, and I used a cheap disposable camera, I make the pictures below available for those who may have an interest.


Union Building in Pretoria, where government officials reside. The architecture, which comprises two wings identical to what you see on the left, represents the Boerish and English origins of the country.

Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria. Using three-dimensional murals, it depicts the Great Trek of the Boers from the Cape area to the then Zulu-dominated part of the country.

Church Square in Pretoria. Look in the distance between the men sitting on the wall. Black women, who carried children on their backs or bundles on their heads, were a common sight.

Soweto, inside the home of a friendly black family. The matron explained that she and her 10 children lived in the two-room hut without running water or electricity. The picture shows the coal stove they use to heat the hut and to cook.

Soweto, owner of the two-room hut mentioned above. Soweto was the site of the 1976 uprising over public education in South Africa. Blacks protested against the forced teaching of certain subjects in Africaans. A brief account of the uprising appears in the CNN archives.

Soweto, a group of neighborhood boys who accompanied our tour and asked as many questions of us as we asked of them. All of the children were at least bi-lingual. They spoke English extremely well.

Casa Toscana in Pretoria, the young woman who greeted us nearly every morning. The staff at the bed & breakfast was friendly, accommodating and eager to answer our questions.

Casa Toscana in Pretoria, the young woman who served breakfast most mornings. Though we both spoke English, there were many South African terms and expressions with which I was unfamiliar. We had fun learning to communicate.

Aloe plant at Fort Schanskop in Pretoria. The sheer size of the plant was amazing, although this size was quite common in the areas we visited.

Me at the entrance to Pilanesberg National Park, a wildlife preserve. We saw 17 different animals in their natural habitat, not including a wide variety of birds. We saw at least one baboon, elephant, giraffe, red hartebeest, hippopotamus, brown hyaena, impala, kudu, vervet monkey, ostrich, white rhino, springbok, tsessebe, warthog, waterbuck, blue wildebeest and zebra.

Blue wildebeest at Pilanesberg National Park. Most of the pictures I took of the wildlife did not turn out well. They were too far away for a camera without a zoom lens.

A family of warthogs in Pilanesberg National Park. There were 6 or 7 of them chowing down on the winter grass.

The giraffe seemed to be as curious about us as we were about them. They came quite close to the vehicle and challenged us to a staring contest. We lost.

Though it's hard to see, there are zebra feeding in the background.

Zebra crossing the road in front of us. There was actually a herd crossing the road, but I was only able to capture a picture of one of them.


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Created: 29 June 2005
URL: https://www.virtualchase.com/articles/archive/south_africa.html

Suggestions: Genie Tyburski, tvceditor [at] virtualchase [dot] com