"For court documents, try the Virtual Chase."
~"In the Land of the Free," The Guardian, 11
January 2005 
"The Virtual Chase [is] a site packed with
Internet research advice."
~PC World, April 2004, pg. 77 "I
need to read the TVC Alert every
morning because I can't be everywhere or find out everything or keep
up with all that's going on in the worlds of legal and nonlegal
research and on the Web in general, but Genie Tyburski can.... [S]he
has a knack for predicting what's going to happen tomorrow and the
next day."
~quoting Bill Jack, reference
librarian and legal research instructor at William Mitchell College of
Law, Visionaries in Law Librarianship, AALL Spectrum, July 2003
Virtual Chase] has become ... a central stop for information seekers
from all walks of life.
~Marylaine Block, The
CyberSkeptic's Guide, May 2003
The Virtual Chase
provides an impressive amount of guidance about performing legal
research on the Internet and evaluating Web-based information.
~Ronald R Tidd, "The Deep Web:
Finding the Internet's Buried Treasures," Taxes, Feb. 2002, pg.
The Virtual Chase is a
practical, interesting and well designed site for legal professionals.
~Bob Ambrogi, The
Best and Worst Legal Sites on the Web (ALM Publishing, 2001). Gives our site a 5-star rating.
Listed in ABA TECHSHOW's 60
Sites Hall O' Fame
~Law Practice Management, Jul/Aug 2001,
pg. 41
as an example in "Listservs
Bring Law Firms New Business," LegalBiz Online, May 2001
site offers a fine gateway to resources in legal research. The
directories are well-organized and helpfully annotated. The site also
has many other valuable features for researchers in the law....
Scout Report for Social Sciences & Humanities, May 1, 2001
The Virtual Chase is designed for legal researchers, it is jam packed
with useful sources and search strategies for the business researcher
as well, particularly the primer on
finding information on companies.
BestBizWeb Eletter, April 2001
Virtual Chase is aimed at library and legal professionals but it
should be of great use to all Web researchers.
~Simon Collery, Free
Pint, April 23, 2001
Virtual Chase] gives thorough explanations of how to conduct and
evaluate research on the Web, and it goes far beyond the commonsense
pointers that many sites provide.
~Stephanie Clifford, eCompany
Now, February 7, 2001
sites include FindLaw, The Virtual Chase (www.virtualchase.com) and
Westlaw. Without such sites, 'There are some things you'd never find,'
Siskind said.
Greg Siskind, The Tennessean, Business Section, January 7,
2001; also appears in Michelle Kessler, "Jury's In...," USA
Today, page 6E, November 13, 2000.
commendable first-stop Web site is www.virtualchase.com, ... [which]
has received accolades from attorneys throughout the country.
~Nana Nakano, Los Angeles Lawyer,
January 2001, pg. 14
Genie Tyburski's Virtual Chase site ...
is not only one of my favorite starting points for law-related resources on the Internet;
it also illustrates the difference between a good site and one that really stands
~G. Burgess Allison, Law Practice Management
(See Technology Update,
pgs. 14-15, May/Jun 1999.)
For readers
of this newspaper, I recommend The Virtual Chase, a site run ... by Genie Tyburski, the
law librarian at Philadelphia's Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll.
~Jonathan Groner, Legal Times
(See "Legal Web Site
of the Week," Legal Times, 22 March 1999, pg. 46.)
Tyburski, a law librarian in Philadelphia, runs a site about reliable research on line,
which includes pointers on how to avoid being duped.
Kelly, New York Times
(See "Whales in the Minnesota River?," 4 March 1999, G1, G8, G9. Registration required.)
as an authority in: Two Amarillo Globe-News articles: "Smart
Surfing," and "Tips
Help Internet Users Evaluate Information," in the Friends and Neighbors section,
29 March 2000.
Users to Evaluate Internet Sites: Sources on Sources," Searcher, May 2000, pp. 68-70.

I've been subscribing to the Virtual Chase for several years and thought
it was about time I told you how great and useful I think it is. I am a
business librarian for a state government agency, not a law librarian. I
want to keep up on law librarianship, copyright, and other current
subjects. I find TVC to be of enormous value in keeping myself current.
The annotations are great. I read every issue and route them all to my
staff. I often find information I need to retain permanently. Thank you
for a very useful and valuable service.
~Barbara S. Beverley, New York State Dept. of
Economic Development 
The newsletter is great,
informative, timely and the best in this area.
I don't know how you manage to do it.
Coverage is great and there
is always something interesting to
I attended your seminar in NY -- a well done
presentation. And it was obvious the audience
appreciated your excellent preparation.
~Richard Bennett 
Just wanted to take the time to tell you how much I appreciate
TVC Alert.
What an excellent resource for both legal information and
Internet search tips! I'm finding it invaluable as I gather
resources for our new paralegal and criminal
justice programs.
~Michelle Bing, Miller-Motte Technical College 
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy
TVC Alert. Like most busy lawyers who try
to keep up using the electronic sources available to us,
I invest quite a bit of (my) time looking at e-resources and a
fair amount of (client) time using them to
background facts and research law. TVC Alert
almost always has a couple of links I can use or which
lead to other resources useful to my practice as a trial lawyer.
~Colin E. Kaufman, Greenhill Partners, P.C. Just
wanted to thank you for this terrific newsletter.
I've been receiving
the TVC Alert
for about a year now, and it's been
consistently informative
and full of useful tips.
Thanks so much for your effort in
putting it
~Simon Canick,
Reference Librarian, Arthur W. Diamond Law
Library, Columbia University Your presentation,
The Invisible Web: Hidden Online
Research Tools, is outstanding! The TVC Alert is my Web-based NPR; if I don't
read it everyday, I know I am missing some valuable information.
~Paul Barron, Technology Director, Rockbridge County Schools
As I read the
TVC Alerts
I received last week I was struck once again by what an incredibly
useful, informative service this newsletter is. The summaries give me
enough information to decide whether to check out the link, and invariably I find stories of interest.
~Mary Rumsey, Foreign, Comparative
& International Law Librarian, University of Minnesota Law School
site is the most helpful one I have found for helping teachers, including media specialists, evaluate
Internet information. Consequently, they
will be better prepared to help students evaluate information.
Please continue in developing this
excellent resource!
~Gloria Bush, Library Media Supervisor,
Mobile County Public Schools
[T]hanks for all your hard work on the Virtual Chase. I have found that I can limit the amount of
news clipping services because you often have many of the articles included in the Virtual Chase. Not only do you provide many useful and timely topics, but also provide great shortcut ideas for navigating the Web.
~Lisa C. Farmer, Law Librarian, Eastman
& Smith LTD.
recently signed up for the TVC Alert in an effort to expand my skills
as an administrative assistant. Your news bulletin has turned out to
be even more comprehensive than I had anticipated, and I wanted to
thank you for your fine work.
~Wendy Faucon, Portland, Oregon
Just thought I would
take a minute to tell you how *great* this resource is!
I often find links that are very useful to us. Being a newspaper,
our subject interests are pretty eclectic.
~Tim Rozgonyi, Assistant Technology Systems Editor,
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
I highly value the TVC
Alert. It quickly synthesizes most of what I need to know about
technology, the information industry, our profession and the Internet
on a daily basis. I feel like I'm on top of most issues which affect
information retrieval and administration in law firms these days. It's
a monstrous task to keep up with all of it but the Alert focuses on
the most important aspects of our changing information world.
~Harriet Day, Director of Library
Services, Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
I am writing to thank
you for your amazing web site. It really keeps me current and
introduces me to high quality online resources. I have also
appreciated receiving xerox copies of excellent articles. TVC Alert is
absolutely the best -- I don't know how anyone in the information
can live without it!
~Gretchen Chamberlin, Reference
Librarian, Tredyffrin Public Library